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New residents receive our package at the perfect time.  Not so soon that it gets lost in the shuffle, but before they get settled in and start building habits.

The package is full of gift certificates from local businesses welcoming them to the neighborhood.  Each industry is represented by only one business, and everyone is offering them a very nice welcoming gift - it's a very valuable package!

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These folks are stressed out and feeling uncomfortable in their new community.  They are in their habit building process and looking to replace their favorite businesses they left behind. 


When the new mover comes in to redeem your gift, your staff can greet them by name to establish rapport quickly.  A quick "how is your move going?" or "what brought you to the area?" makes the new resident feel welcome and comfortable, and establishes you as a trusted resource.

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They have a great visit to your business and then go about settling in.  In the meantime, you scan the code with our Tru Trak App, which triggers the follow up thank you postcard.

10 days later, they receive their follow up in the mail and another nudge to return to your business, well on the way to becoming a new, regular customer.

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That's not all!  You will receive the name and address of everyone who visits your business, along with a tracking map showing you where they live.  This gives you great information about your customers which you can use in your other marketing efforts.

New Mover Packages: Services
New Mover Packages: Pro Gallery

Not certain which package is right for you? Contact me and together we'll determine how best to Grow Your Business!

New Mover Packages: Text
New Mover Packages: Infographics
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